Thursday, December 27, 2012

Study Finds Dems Crashed Economy

A new study by the respected National Bureau of Economic Research has confirmed what the Democrats have been fighting against for the past 4 years.

And that is it WAS, without question, the Community Reinvestment Act and the Clinton amendments to it, was the direct results for the housing bubble and subsequent collapse of our economy, for which I wrote about earlier this year and as far back as April 2010, here.

The study concludes that Democrats, for which the media insisted the Community Reinvestment Act had nothing to do with the subprime mortgage crisis, where lying and that the amended CRA was the match that light the fuse of the recession we are still in.

Investors News has brought forth this story, which is quite in depth in it's content.

NBER: "There is a clear pattern of increased defaults for loans made by these banks in quarters around the (CRA) exam. Moreover, the effects are larger for loans made within CRA tracts," or predominantly low-income and minority areas.
To satisfy CRA examiners, "flexible" lending by large banks rose an average 5% and those loans defaulted about 15% more often, the 43-page study found.

Congress passed a law requiring the government-backed agencies to "assist insured depository institutions to meet their obligations under the (CRA)." The goal was to help banks meet lending quotas by buying their CRA loans.

From 2001-2007, Fannie and Freddie bought roughly half of all CRA home loans, most carrying subprime features.

Lenders not subject to the CRA, such as subprime giant Countrywide Financial, still fell under its spell. Regulated by HUD, Countrywide and other lenders agreed to sign contracts with the government supporting such lending under threat of being brought under CRA rules.

"Countrywide can potentially help you meet your CRA goals by offering both whole loan and mortgage-backed securities that are eligible for CRA credit," the lender advertised to banks.
Housing analysts say the CRA is the central thread running through the subprime scandal — from banks and subprime lenders to Fannie and Freddie to even Wall Street firms that took most of the heat for the crisis

While the 1977 law was passed 30 years before the crisis, it underwent a major overhaul just 10 years earlier. Starting in 1995, banks were measured on their use of innovative and flexible" lending standards, which included reduced down payments and credit requirements.
Banks that didn't meet Clinton's tough new numerical lending targets were denied merger plans, among other penalties. CRA shakedown groups like Acorn held hostage the merger plans of banks like Citibank and Washington Mutual until they pledged more loans to credit-poor minorities (see chart).

It's a real shame that this study didn't come out during the 2012 election. But the "Media" wouldn't have covered it anyways, because we live in a 'No information world' when it comes to those ass clowns!

Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Reality Check:The Very Truth About the Second Amendment

In the hyperbole world of MSM blatant lies we are fed everyday, here is a reality check from the Media that is a breath of fresh air.

The very politically incorrect truth about the Second Amendment: News, Weather

Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Today a King is Born

From my family to yours. May you all have a Blessed Christmas and a Happy and Prosperous New Year!

Thursday, December 20, 2012

Piers Morgan Get Spanked by Larry Pratt

CNN's Piers Morgan interviews Larry Pratt, Executive Director from Gun Owners of America.

And like most liberals who advocate much stricter gun control laws in our nation, when he runs out of logical "high level" points, Morgan stoops to name calling and insults.
In this interview, Piers tries to engaged in the Connecticut shooting/Gun Control debate with Pratt, saying he was "an unbelievably stupid man."
Morgan of course, hates people who are pro-Constitution and pro 2nd amendment, as you would think he would be, being a loyal British subject and all. But regardless, for him to be reaching in to the gutter banter box to make points, it's something he really cannot defend..... 

Now I agree with Morgan, as does Pratt, that the senseless killing has to stop.
But the gun owner did not pull the triggers. A disturbed young man, who was not the gun owner did.
And at this point, we don't know how this young man was able to get his hands on them, from his mother.

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Keep and Bear- What is Being Said

Jackson Lee said on the House floor.

“I would personally just say to those who are listening, maybe you want to turn in your guns,”

Press Secretary Jay Carney said Tuesday that Obama is "actively supportive" of Sen. Dianne Feinstein's, D-Calif

Sen. Feinstein:

“I’m going to introduce in the Senate and the same bill will be introduced in the House, a bill to ban assault weapons. It will ban the sale, the transfer, the importation and the possession. Not retroactively but prospectively. And it will ban the same for big clips, drums or strips of more than 10 bullets. So there will be a bill. We’ve been working on it now for a year,”

Democratic Representative Carolyn McCarthy:
The deaths at the school have changed the terms of the debate since the assault weapons ban was allowed to expire in 2004.
“This time it is different, and we all know it. People are fed up with the gun lobby.”

"The fact that this problem is complex can no longer be an excuse for doing nothing,"
Well, this problem is NOT complex!

"A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed."

There was no intent by the founding fathers for any wiggle room here. End of Story!

Breaking down this amendment is the argument the Sen. Feinstein, Sen. Durbin, VP President Biden and the rest will try and get around.
The founders intent here was not for propose of hunting, or they would not have injected the word Militia in to the Amendment.

A Militia is an irregular army of ordinary citizens.

Their intent was rooted in the experience with a monarchy and oligarchies.
Their forward vision was twofold:
1. For the citizens to protect themselves, their property and their liberty(free State) from being threatened by the likes of a monarchy, oligarchy and an ever growing expansion of control by government over the governed.
2. To be a line of backing defense against invasion of both foreign and domestic enemies.
Ever wonder why this nation has not been invaded?
Even if a hostile enemy could think of defeating our standing military, it would be suicidal to try and defeat an armed "army of ordinary citizens" of tens of millions.

Some will point to the words "Well regulated":
In the 1700’s there was a common craftsman profession that existed that is no more, that of a "Regulator". This person was employed to adjust the mechanics of contemporary mechanisms, such as timepieces. Often this was the person called upon to light streetlights. The point is that, back then, "regulation" commonly meant keeping something in tip-top shape - finely-tuned, adjusted, running well, lubricated, clean, etc and NOT controlled.

Now if you find what I said, a stretch, Stephen P. Halbrook, Ph.D., J.D. has an excellent piece here showing the relationship of the Swiss, their 'armed citizenship' and how it was a model of our founding father.
Sen. Feinstein wishes are to BAN assault weapons. Assault weapons has never been defined. If you think about it, every gun is an "Assault" weapon and the meaning is opened ended.

First there was a ban on Automatics, now they want to ban semi-automatics.
Seeing the pattern is key.
Creeping Control.

Sunday, December 16, 2012

And the 2nd Amendment is Under Attack Again

As sad as it is, the events in Newtown Connecticut, and the deep sorrow for the lose of life of the children and teachers I feel, I can only say that my profound hopes are that they can recover quickly and my prayers to the survivors and their family go out to them. This American is, and always will be, with them.

Some in our nation, however, right out of the gate, are calling for repeal of the 2nd amendment.
They take a kneejurk reaction to the event, that it was the weapon use, and not the person who got a hold of those weapons, as the reason this took place.

What the left doesn't understand is when our forefathers penned the Constitution, the purpose of the 2nd Amendment was made perfectly clear:

A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.

The 2nd Amendment is “necessary to the security of a free State”; it is what helps ensure our freedom from a tyrannous government.
Criminals who are dead set on committing murders will find a way to get a gun regardless of laws or amendments. The real threat is the fact that our own government is armed to the teeth. The 2nd Amendment does not only regard one’s personal self-defense, but it speaks to the broader ability of the people to keep a potentially oppressive, out-of-control government and its standing army in check.

The perpetrator of this crime in Connecticut was not following any gun laws when he shot 28 people that day.
America is based on the 2nd Amendment. Our liberty and the ability to stay free of total government tyranny depends on it.

The hypocrisy in the wake of this shooting is reaching a crescendo. Calling for more senseless violence and murder will not bring these shooting victims back to life, neither will enacting stricter gun laws that shooters obviously do not, and WILL NOT follow when they commit these terrible crimes in the first place anyway. 

When you call for more, stiffer regulation on keeping and bearing, then where will it stop?
Controlling knives, in the case of Nichole Simpson. Or duck tape, in the case of Caylee Anthony? Catching my drift? It's the twisted person who should not have access to them.
Not the rest of us who would evoke our 2nd amendment rights on those who will not follow the laws and attack us!!!

I'll leave you with this.

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Steven Crowder Challenges Union Thug

During yesterdays Union Rally in Michigan (I say this with tongue and cheek) Steven Crowder, comedian and Fox News Contributor, was viciously attack by a union thug, (reportedly Tony Camargo, IBEW Local 876, Battle Creek, MI) where Crowder sustained a bruised cheek and chipped tooth.

Now Crowder has given this guy an ultimatum. 

Either come forward and face the music of the law, OR get your ass handed to you in a legal MMA Ring Match.

I've got the hand it to Crowder. The guy can take a punch, and a few hours later, gather himself and call Camergo out.

Let see if Camergo is tough as he thinks he is, and is man enough to face the music! 

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Union Thugs Attack in Lansing MI-Update

Anti- Right to Work, Pro-union thugs attack and destroy Americans for Prosperity tent outside the State of Michigan capital this afternoon, when minutes before the Michigan state House of  Representatives pass the states right to work bill. 

This is what I have been warning about for the last 6 months.
Things are going to get very ugly in our country, when the progressive socialist try and ram down the throats of pro capitalist and pro liberty Americans their socialist agenda.

Teachers in two Michigan education districts today also called off sick to join the protest.
And based on the spelling on their sign here, looks like they could use more education themselves.

It's Spelled SNYDER!


Steven Crowder Attacked during the AFP tent distruction by the union jackasses!!!

 Powder Dry!!!

Sunday, December 9, 2012

Has Assad Unleached Chemical Weapons On His People Already

First reported on Israel Matzav , video leaking out of Syria shows that Assad has probably already used the Chemical Weapons on his people.

While the world shakes its fingers at Bashar al-Assad warning him not to use chemical weapons in Damascus, the Syrian rebels posted a video on Saturday that shows that either (a) they have a great makeup department, (b) they know how to steal videos and make them their own, or (c) Assad's troops used chemical weapons outside of Aleppo.

Warning: Graphic Images

Saturday, December 8, 2012

A Look at the Hype of Terrorism in the Eyes of Government

Oathkeepers has republished a detailed listing of what the Feds are doing to combat suspicious activity by anyone, and what could happen to you when you go about yur normal day in your life.

This article as written by Michael Ruppert and originally published at Activist Post.

The sheer number of indicators of potential terrorist activity according to the FBI, Department of Homeland Security (DHS) and other government entities is simply staggering. Now we can add the simple act of photography to the list.
Some of the many include:
Reporting these supposedly suspicious activities has become increasingly easy with smartphone applications like CrimePush and others along with text messaging systems and more.
Ironically, in one case a legitimate report of suspicious activity revealed that the New York Police Department was conducting an illegal surveillance operation outside of their jurisdiction.
When I was tipped off to this latest Roll Call Release by Joe Cadillac, I assumed it was old since as early as 2006 photography was listed as a suspicious activity in a wide variety of contexts.
Furthermore, in 2010 “camera usage at non-tourist sites” and purchasing “camera/surveillance equipment” have been listed as indicators of potential terrorist activity.
Over 25 fliers have been produced by the FBI and Department of Justice alone for specific industries, all of which can be seen here.

 It goes on to warn:

However, this is indeed a new release for police, fire EMS and security personnel dated Nov. 13, 2012. It has the seals of the DHS and FBI emblazoned on the top, and was apparently produced in collaboration with the Interagency Threat Assessment and Coordination Group (ITACG), part of the infamous National Counterterrorism Center (NCTC).
“Terrorists and criminals may use photos or videos of potential targets to gain insight into security operations and details of facility operations, including traffic flow through and around facilities, opening times, and access requirements,” states the document, released by Public Intelligence (one of the most useful alternative news sources).
“Photographs and video useful in planning an attack may include facility security devices (surveillance cameras, security locks, metal detectors, jersey walls and planters); security personnel; facility entrances and exits; and other features such as lighting, access routes, gates, roads, walkways, and bridges,” the document adds.
While some of that photography would indeed be quite suspicious, the individuals who compiled the document apparently were only capable of compiling incidents which in fact had nothing to do with terrorist activity whatsoever.
“Although none were ultimately linked to terrorist activity, they are cited as examples for awareness and training purposes,” the document states.

Now you've got to wonder why they are listing incidents that were not linked to terrorist activity or potentially linked to terrorism.....

By far the most absurd of the indicators of potentially suspicious photography includes, “Individuals encountered with photographs of critical infrastructure, iconic buildings, or other sites not of tourist interest.”
The obvious issue here is, “iconic buildings, or other sites not of tourist interest.” Wouldn’t iconic buildings be, by definition, of tourist interest or at least of interest to someone? If not, why would they be iconic?

SO in other words, stay home and if you do venture out, keep your eyes and head straight forward. Don't want you to become a suspect!........

Monday, December 3, 2012

Once Again NBC spews anti-US Constitution Propaganda

You've all probably heard about this over the last 24 hours or so, but it is worth repeating.
Bob Costa spews his anti-2nd amendment rights plea for gun control during his weekly commentary on “Sunday Night Football.”

Commenting on the weekend murder-suicide by Kansas City Chiefs linebacker Jovan Belcher, Costas relied on a column by writer Jason Whitlock, formerly of the Kansas City Star, to make a gun-control argument.

But what Costa and Whitlock failed to bring forth is that it wasn't the gun that killed Belcher wife, and subsequently Belcher himself.
Someone has to pull the trigger. That someone was Jovan Belcher.
It's the mind that actually makes this fateful decisions. One that is troubled and unbalanced.
Why should one mans actions hinder the rest of us, the millions of gun owner in our nation, to be without our constitutional right to keep and bear?
So this tragedy, the murder/suicide, was carried out by a gun owner who was troubled within his own self.
Should the death of Nicole Simpson be any different? Should we ban all knifes, now?
Or should we ban duck tape, as in the case of the death of little Caylee Anthony?
I don't hear that coming from the likes of Costa.
Whitlock was a football player. So was Belcher. And Costa, a Sports analyst. The game binds them together.
For certain this was a sad, sad tragic event, and Whitlock and Costa loss are understandable. 
But to lay blame on the object, and not the troubled person, is not being realistic of reality.

Friday, November 30, 2012

12 Reasons- Liberal Logic on 2012 Election

A short post here, for some liberal logic and why they do the things they do and vote the way they vote.

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Journalist Fox News Agenda

Thomas Ricks is a veteran newspaper reporter who had been invited on the Fox News network by their producers. Ricks is the author of "The Generals" and was shown on TV being interviewed by Foxs anchor Jon Scott.
The interview had become focused on the Republican Party's criticism of the United Nations Ambassador Susan Rice's comments about the attack on the American Embassy in Libya.

Ricks began his rant, that the story about the Benghazi attacks, which killed four Americans, including the first U.S. ambassador in more than 30 years, was "hyped, by this network especially."
When asked about the "hyped" comment, from Scott, Ricks said that not many people were in the know about how many United States security contractors had been killed in Iraq, inferring the number was much greater than the four Americans killed in Banghazi. He then said the media attention from Fox News on Banghazi was disproportionate when comparing the two.

Well, you had to know that that was coming. Take the topic of what happen in Banghazi and turn it in to a 'Bush thing'.....

And the comment by Ricks that the bloody attacks on the Libya embassy as "essentially a small firefight." is skirting the issue. Granted the US contractors deaths was outrageous, as Fox and all were and did report on. But to miniscule a dead ambassador and his 3 fellow Americans in Libya is extremely outrageous. We didn't have an dead ambassador in Iraq.
Ricks went on to said, "I think that the emphasis on Benghazi has been extremely political, partly because Fox was operating as a wing of the Republican Party."

At that moment Scott said thank you and allowed his co-anchor to introduce a commercial break, cutting off the interview immediately because Scott new (as did the producers) that Ricks appearance was for one thing, and one thing only. To attack Fox News for dong IT'S JOB!

Here is the interview.

 (excuse an ad at he beginning)

Thursday, November 22, 2012

Day Of Thanks

On Oct. 3, 1863, President Abraham Lincoln issued a proclamation inviting citizens of the United States to "set apart and observe the last Thursday of November next, as a day of Thanksgiving and Praise." His act established Thanksgiving as a national event to be celebrated the last Thursday of each November.

Thanksgiving that year was celebrated on Nov. 26, one week after Lincoln's trip to a small Pennsylvania town, where he memorialized the fallen in one of the Civil War's climactic battles. With bodies still lying unburied in the fields behind him, Lincoln asked the nation to "highly resolve that these dead shall not have died in vain, that this nation under God shall have a new birth of freedom."

Despite our polarizing differences in our nation today, as it was back then, on this day of thanks, we should look to our families and pray thanks that we have each other.

Please keep our troops, who cannot be with their families this Thanksgiving, in your thoughts!

Happy Thanksgiving, Patriots!!! 

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Leftest Doubledown On Race for Rice

The socialist have leaped off the racial abyss lately.
With in the last 24 hours we have seen at least 3 attempts to besmirch John McCain for his comments about the possible appointment of Susan Rice. 

First, John McCain's comment on appointing Susan Rice to take the reins from Hillary Clinton as SofS.
“Susan Rice should have known better and if she didn’t know better, she is not qualified, I will do everything in my power to block her from being the United States Secretary of State.”

First we have Richard Wolffe Smearing McCain as a Bigot:

Next we have the ever off the cliff thoughts of Rep James Clyburn (D-S.C.):

And it wouldn't be a socialist threesome if it weren't for the hot air coming from MSNBC Joe Scarborough:

And lastly, we have a newbee to the mix. Rep. Marcia Fudge (D.-Ohio), the incoming chairman of the Congressional Black Caucus, is accusing Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz) of "sexism and racism"

What does this all tell us?
It tells me that the DNC have forgotten to remove the "race bait" microchip from their campaign robots.
How can ANYONE take what John McCain (and Lindsey Graham) said about the possible nomination of Susan Rice to SofS, as being racist or sexist??

As I see it, for them to even reach this plateau, that EVERYTHING that someone says, who is not the color of Susan Rice, or Obama, is somehow RACIST.... IS racist unto itself.

These are the people who are either running our country, or bringing news to the American people.
THIS is the reason the GOP lost the election.
To much fingerpointing, hate labeling, misinformation, and disinformation to have an informed electorate.

Allen West Throws In The Towel

Allen West announce on his Facebook page at 5:18AM this morning he is no longer going to contest the election results and has conceded the race.

Here is what the great American Patriot had to say.
For two weeks since Election Day, we have been working to ensure every vote is counted accurately and fairly.  We have made progress towards that goal, thanks to the dedication of our supporters and their unrelenting efforts to protect the integrity of the democratic process.  While many questions remain unanswered, today I am announcing that I will take no further action to contest the outcome of this election.

While there are certainly still inaccuracies in the results, and the actions of the St. Lucie County and Palm Beach County Supervisors of Elections rightly raise questions in my mind and for many voters, after much analysis and this past weekend's recount in St. Lucie County, our legal team does not believe there are enough over-counted, undercounted or fraudulent votes to change the outcome of the election. 

While a contest of the election results might have changed the vote totals, we do not have evidence that the outcome would change.  Given the extremely high evidentiary hurdles involved in a successful challenge, I will not ask my generous supporters to help fund a drawn-out, expensive legal effort with little chance of success. Therefore, we will not contest the certification or challenge the seating of Congressman-elect Murphy.

Serving the people in the House of Representatives has been among the highest honors of my life, but this seat does not belong to me, or for that matter, to any individual.  It belongs to the people. 

I want to congratulate my opponent, Patrick Murphy, as the new Congressman from the 18th Congressional District. I pray he will serve his constituents with honor and integrity, and put the interests of our nation before his own.

I must thank my wife Angela, and my daughters Aubrey and Austen for their support, patience, understanding and most of all, love. These are three of the toughest women I know. They have sent me off to defend our nation overseas at war, and to Capitol Hill to serve our nation in the House of Representatives. They have all handled the challenges of these last few months, and the last many years, with amazing grace. I know they will be by my side for whatever is our next chapter.

I want to thank my congressional and campaign staff for their service, and most importantly, I want to thank all of our tremendous supporters who provided their time and money to power our campaign. I am humbled by the dedication and perseverance of our supporters, and their commitment to a free and prosperous America.  I cannot thank them enough for all they have done for our campaign, but most importantly, what they have done, and will continue to do for our country.  None of us should let the outcome discourage us. We should only redouble our resolve. 

Above all, I want to thank God for his blessings, and for blessing me with the opportunity to serve.

Only God knows what is in store for each of us. I have dedicated my life to serving this nation, and the results of this election will not change my purpose. Just as I did in the deserts of Iraq and Afghanistan, just as I did on Capitol Hill, I will continue to fight for our Republic. 

Our nation will not overcome our challenges overnight, and the road ahead for each one of us will not be easy. But this nation would never have become that shining beacon of light if our founders had chosen the easy path 236 years ago.  We all must proudly continue their legacy.

For the protection and preservation of our life, liberty and pursuit of happiness, I shall remain steadfast and loyal.  God bless you and God bless these United States of America.

We will miss you in the US House of Representatives, Lieutenant Colonel.
It's sad that a decorated military man, who really cares about our republic, has been replaced by a criminal and a socialist.

On a side note. There have been many on the right who are throwing out there of why the right lost this and the Presidential election. That we were not assertive enough. That we didn't get the message out about jobs and the economy, etc.
Well I have got one thing that sums this all up.
Wake the hell up!
What lost this election was an uninformed electorate.
And who's to be blamed for this?
The American Media, who failed our republic in EVERY step of the way.

Friday, November 16, 2012

Israel Vs Hamas- What The News Brings You

This picture and video footage will prove that some of the images you see, and will see, on your TV screen is a ruse, faked, staged all for you, so as to become sympathetic to the Palestinian plight when they are caught up in between battles by Hamas and Israel.

This is what happens when the BBC News turns up at the scene of an airstrike in Gaza and there aren't enough Palestinian dead and injured to produce news worthy footage that can be used against Israel in the international spotlight!


Think this is photoshopped, or something?

Think again!

Thursday, November 15, 2012

Free Speech or Hate Speech

Well the Chicago left are once again screaming bloody bigotry.
Why you ask?
All because of a simple message on the backside of a CTA bus.
"In any war between the civilized man and the savage, support the civilized man. Support Copts. Defeat Jihad,

(Handout / November 14, 2012)

Sounds about right. Jihad is a rallying cry of a physical struggle that takes the form of violence. Holy War against infidels(non-believers).

But for some reason, some leftest in Chicago took that as a degrading messages and the picture appeared on Facebook and Twitter denouncing the campaign.
Many said it was degrading a spiritual tenet of Islam because they believe that Jihad refers to a Muslim's personal quest to become a better person, and the message on the billboard amounts to hate speech.

"This whole campaign insinuates Muslims are violent,” said Asaf Bar-Tura, programs director for the Jewish Council on Urban Affairs.
Some Muslims are, and THAT'S the message here.

“If it's within their legal powers, the CTA should either not put it up because they incite hate and stereotypical thinking or put a label next to each sign saying `The CTA disagrees with this ad.’ ” Bar-Tura continued.
Radical Muslims use this as a rallying cry to kill. End of story on this so called "protest"

Pam Geller's American Freedom Defense Initiative are the ones who took out these ads and, in the past, she had sued transit authorities in New York City and Washington, D.C., when they initially rejected the ads. Those judges ruled that public forums such as buses and trains can't bar advertising entitled to First Amendment protection.
"Perhaps this is the strangest thing of all. Their utter lack of awareness, or denial, of the barrel pointed straight between their eyes," Geller said. "It is an odd combination of naivete, brainwashing and self-loathing that I will never comprehend." And Geller's lawyer has threaten legal action against CTA if they didn’t place the ads.

This blogger totally agrees with Geller. They are naivete, brainwashed  and self-loathing fools who just don't get the message.

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Southside Chicago Thuggery

Never have I heard a President of the United States act like some street hustling thugmaster and try to intimidated us and our Representatives.

Before I begin, I would like you to watch, if you have not, or re-watch if you have, this video, and then I will continue....

Now first, at 1:07 mark, while talking about Susan Rice as a possible successor to Hilary Clinton as SofS, Barack Obama say this. 
"She made an appearance at the request of the Whitehouse"....
So now we have an answer to who sent Susan Rice out there on the Sunday morning talk shows after the Benghazi/9-11 attack to say that it was a spontaneous uprising because of a You Tube Video. Great, so the administration lied to us. Nothing new here, FOLKS!

 If Senator McCain and Senator Graham and others want to go after somebody, they should go after me.  And I’m happy to have that discussion with them.  But for them to go after the U.N. Ambassador, who had nothing to do with Benghazi, and was simply making a presentation based on intelligence that she had received, and to besmirch her reputation is outrageous.
Go after you? So what is THAT?
And if she had nothing to do with it, then why did he send HER OUT THERE on that Sunday morning with that message?
I swear, I have never heard a President of the United States put those kinds of word out there.
And intelligence that she received? What intelligence? You mean the one that 3 days earlier was said to be a "coordinated attack on out consulate"?
I'd say the President besmirched her, by handing her, her talking points, because the President is the one who presents her with the "intelligence she had received"

Aaaaand we’re after an election now.  I think it is important for us to find out exactly what happened in Benghazi

OH HOW covenant is that???

But when they go after the U.N. Ambassador, apparently because they think she’s an easy target, then they’ve got a problem with me.

No, The President has 59M+ Americans (and then some) that is his problem. The ones who are paying attention in our nation.
He has dodged this terrorist attack long enough. 2+ months and they are still investigating this, with no answers?!?
My bet that there will be no legitimate answers to come from the US Kremlin.
And he needs to check that mouth of his at the door!!!

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

2012 Election- Fraudulent Shenanigans

Was our nation hijacked by fraud this past 2012 election?
The answer looks and points to the word "Yes"
As reported on the Blaze, and confirmed by newspapers in Cleveland and Philly, that a major swath of those two cities had 0, that's right ZERO votes for Romney.

Below is a picture of the Cuyahoga County map of it districts.
Plain Dealer
The vote, incredibly, was unanimous in Obama's favor in nine Cleveland precincts.
The largest of those voted 542-0 in favor of Obama. In seven other Cleveland precincts and one in East Cleveland, Romney didn't pick up a single vote, though votes for third-party candidates stopped the president short of unanimous victories. 

In Philly, it wasn't much different. Check out this head-spinning figure: In 59 voting divisions in the city, Mitt Romney received not one vote. Zero. Zilch.
59 divisions, where unofficial vote tallies have President Obama outscoring Romney by a combined 19,605 to 0? REALLY? I'd say a resounding BULLSHIT!

On top of that, in September of this year, the Columbus Dispatch in Ohio reported this sad and ugly news: “More than one out of every five registered Ohio voters is probably ineligible to vote. In two counties, the number of registered voters actually exceeds the voting-age population: Northwestern Ohio’s Wood County shows 109 registered voters for every 100 eligible, while in Lawrence County along the Ohio River it’s a mere 104 registered per 100 eligible. Another 31 counties show registrations at more than 90 percent of those eligible, a rate regarded as unrealistic by most voting experts. The national average is a little more than 70 percent. In a close presidential election where every vote might count, which ones to count might become paramount on Election Day.

And, as we all know, in St Lucie County, where Allen West is fighting voter fraud, we have turnout, on average, of 141%
2 of 3 states, that are battleground states, sure does have the appearance of massive voter fraud that is rampant.


Friday, November 9, 2012

Nil Desperandum, -- Never Despair

Just like you, I am deeply disappointed in the outcome of this election.
There's just no way around it, we lost.... but the fight will NEVER be over!
Conservatives should NEVER be discouraged or throw in the towel.  Now is not the time to wonder whether or not we CAN turn things around.  
HELL yes we CAN, and of course we will.
Recently, I read A.J. Langguth's book Patriots: TheMen Who Started the American Revolution.  It tells the story of Samuel Adams and the difficult early years of the Patriot movement as they organized a grassroots movement for liberty against daunting odds:  the seemingly invincible British Empire and many Tories loyal to the Crown in the colonies. 
In the aftermath of numerous defeats, James Warren who was one of Adams' trusted allies began to lose heart after one particularly tough canvassing effort across the Massachusetts countryside.  He wrote to Adams saying of the Patriot movement, "They are dead and the dead cannot be raised without a miracle."
Adams simply responded: "Nil desperandum, -- Never Despair.  That should be a motto for you, me and ALL Liberty loving people!  All are not dead; and where there is a spark of patriotic fire, we will rekindle it." 
Needless to say, the cause of freedom has been dealt a significant setback on Nov 6th.  
But we never say die.
We never say all is lost.
We say 'Nil desperandum'

We're Americans and children of God.
And I believe god wants us to FIGHT for our freedoms, and NEVER take them for granted.

Government is instituted for the common good; for the protection, safety, prosperity, and happiness of the people; and not for profit, honor, or private interest of any one man, family, or class of men; therefore, the people alone have an incontestable, unalienable, and indefeasible right to institute government; and to reform, alter, or totally change the same, when their protection, safety, prosperity, and happiness require it.
-John Adams