I am truly perplexed at Boehner ability to fight the good fight.
As with the 2010 budget deal he worked out after taking the helm of the House from Pelosi, he appears to have no backbone to hammer out this deal, a REAL deal with the Democrat leadership in the Senate and the Whitehouse.
Now of course the liberals will come out on this and say that Pelosi was a better Speaker because she could get things done in a bipartisan manner.
Of course, they will fail to realize that what she got done during her time at the helm was all do that her party had total control of the government legislation.
WOW that doesn't say much for her, either.
As reported in
WoPo, Boehner is now NOT willing to cut a far reaching deal to trim our debt by $4T in a decade, because Obama is not willing to back down from his job killing, social engineering, wealth distribution tax hikes on those making more then $250K a year.
In Boehner words "Despite good-faith efforts to find common ground, the White House will not pursue a bigger debt reduction agreement without tax hikes,”
Well then Mr Speaker, stand you're ground.
We have less then a month before (as Geithner says) we hit the abyss of our debt limit.... And in a fight for our nations financial future.... YOU DON'T BLINK!
Boehner’s decision leaves negotiators reexamining a less-ambitious framework — aimed at saving roughly $2.4 trillion over the next decade.
-“We cannot ask the middle-class and seniors to bear all the burden of higher costs and budget cuts. We need a balanced approach that asks the very wealthiest and special interests to pay their fair share as well, and we believe the American people agree,” White House communications director Dan Pfeiffer said in a statement.-
WHAT BURDEN to the middle class on this deal?
The Democrat control House and Senate cut a deal last December on extending the Bush tax cuts for all and now they want to renege on it?
And pay their 'fair share' (wealthiest)? Paying over twice the amount the overwhelming majority of us pay (15%) is a crock-o-sh*t point of view by the left.
The problem with the Speaker is he doesn't know how to control the debate.
Please, Mr Speaker, do the right thing. Hold their feet to the fire, or Americans who want the government to get serious with our debt, will hold YOUR feet to the fire in 2012.