Today, the United States Supreme Court abruptly and systematically dismantled this nation when it ruled Obamacare Constitutional.
I sit here in furor at this ruling and what it means for the nation that I, you, ALL was born in, and to figure out what comes next.
Today, our Federalist form of government came to an abrupt end and the republic has had it's heart ripped from our lives.
I never thought in my wildest dreams that I would witness the United States come to an end as we knew her.
My ancestor helped found this nation, and that I am proud of.
I am really at a lost for words, that "We the People" have let them down. That we lost what they fought so bravely for.
So, with this all said and done, Congress can repeal Obamacare.
However, one thing it can not do in a repeal....
It CANNOT change what the court did.
And what it did was, it told us that our elected officials have the power to tell you, through legislation, that you HAVE to participate in commerce, whether you choose to or not.
It can force you to buy a two dollar pencil, or a two million dollar yacht, if they deem it necessary!!!
It can force you to buy a two dollar pencil, or a two million dollar yacht, if THEY deem it necessary!!!
You have lost your own god given right to make your own decision in life on what to spend your money on.... Think about that for awhile. As a Conservative. As a Moderate, As an Independent, As a Liberal. Your country, its guarantee personal liberties, your human right to know whats is best for you has been snuffed out, forever!
There is only two ways out of this.
-A constitutional amendment, or
-Rebellion to restore the federalist form of government and our republic.
Neither one easy.
But one can rid our nation of the ideologue that brought this day upon us.
I choose the latter!