Michele Bachmann has called for a "House Call" "Let your voices be heard, loud and clear" by Americans who are fed up with the Democrats health care bill, HR 3962, a 1990 page bureaucratic debacle which might be brought to the House floor for a vote on Saturday Nov 7th. Michele asked up to as many as 45,000 Americans to walk the halls of congress and to let them know 'We mean NO'
"You came. And you came to your house. And you came for an emergency house call, and are they going to listen? Oh yeah, oh yeah, they're going to listen. It was Thomas Jefferson who said a revolution every now and then is a good thing. What do you think? We are at the point of revolution. And by that, what I mean, an orderly revolution where the people of this country wake up get up and make a decision that this is not going to happen on their watch...And we can't let the Democrats achieve their ends any longer!
This next line tells it all folks. I am more proud to be an American today then I have in the last 10 months because of what you are about to read.
Today, Bachmann said how she had been writing the journals of Abigail Adams (great woman I might add), who wondered if future generations would understand the sacrifices that were made to create this country. "You literally stand with us on hallowed ground," said Bachmann. "This is hallowed ground of freedom, and that freedom was purchased at an incalculable price that none of us can ever truly comprehend. And for 233 years, every generation that has come before has faithfully handed the baton of freedom to the next generation. And so now we are that privileged generation, privileged to be here to be here today."
God Bless you Michele Bachmann- An American stateswoman true to the heart of our nation!
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