Saturday, October 15, 2011

Sean "Chavez" Penn Spews Lies on CNN

This is outrageous comment from the butt kissing, commie loving Sean Penn on CNN yesterday. Falling inline with Morgan Freeman, he totally mis-represents the Tea Party Patriots.

Penn abuses the 1st amendment, as many on the left say he has a right to express his opinion. He doesn't have the right to abuse the 1st amendment rights by expressing defamatory, malicious comments that he CANNOT back up and are utter false. 
That's libel!

As for his Social Security comment. Here is an answer for you, Penn. We paid in to it, we are entitled to get OUR money back. It's not socialism when even the those making under poverty level contribute into SS.
Look up redistribution, Penn and get back with me.


Silverfiddle said...

Drugs have taken their toll on that stupid man's thought process...

Unknown said...

Well with that said, CNN must condone drug use because I think Morgan Freemen was also on them when he spew that same BS as Penn did, on Friday. :)

Amusing Bunni said...

Sean Penn is another commie moron. I can't stand morgan F. either, he has polluted too many movies with his idiotic acting.
These commie bums should stick with acting, and STFU with their psycho opinions, we don't care.

Unknown said...

I'm wondering, Bunni, when will the Tea Party make an example of the Hollywood nutjobs and sue them over defamation of character.

Chris said...

He is batshit crazy. These liberals somehow think that if they say something it must be true. They are as narcasist as they come.