Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Hypocrisy- The Ignorant MSM

I'll let the video do the talking.
Weigh in if you shall.


Chris said...

Great video. People are starting to realize that the word of the left mean nothing. It's their actions that people are watching. Thanks for pointing out this hypocracy.

Christopher - Conservative Perspective said...

What I liked about this is that it takes both liberals AND their allies, the RINO's to task and if we want conservatism back we have to weed-out both in politics at all levels.

As to "extremism", well that is a media term, I call it realism. Call a spade a spade as in Obama IS a socialist and that is the way it should be framed verbally. If 'people' not the media want to call that extreme so be it but they are the ultimate arbiters after all.

As to the medias and liberal hypocrisy, well that is what really needs to be deemed as extreme and that cannot be denied as it is so blatant.

Anonymous said...

Interesting. His voice is annoying, but still interesting. I do enjoy that he himself points out the Tea Parties actions.

However his video has two flaws that relate to justification or approval due to party affiliation.

1. That the major concern was the benefit cuts. It has been a typical point in the framing of the debate by the right to discuss only the cuts instead of the collective bargaining rights which is the major point. I haven't seen one of you acknowledge the unions stance on accepting the cuts if the union busting points were removed. Neither does he.

2. He uses the least offensive Tea Party signs to create a favorable image of the Tea Party in the viewers head. How different would the image of the Tea Party be if he had included fr. Tea Party Express leader Mark Williams sign?

or the tree of liberty.

By using the toned down version of signs for the Tea party he makes their actions seem demure in response to the left. Its hardly a balanced piece.

CP, i figure you will understand what i am saying even if you won't agree. Chris, i have no such hopes.

Unknown said...

"That the major concern was the benefit cuts. It has been a typical point in the framing of the debate by the right to discuss only the cuts instead of the collective bargaining rights which is the major point"

The major concern was getting Wisconsin fiscal house in order and keeping it in order. Removing collective bargaining from the picture (BTW they still have their CBR for wages) helps keep their fiscal house in order.

"He uses the least offensive Tea Party signs to create a favorable image of the Tea Party in the viewers head"
Thats because only 4 out of 100 are offensive and those people have been told they are not welcome.
However, you don't see ANY condemnation from the unions nor the Dems/Liberals about these...

And who is that guy in the picture you posted?
Are you saying that is Mark Williams?
This guy?

Because if you are, who ever is trying to peddle that picture as being the fr Tea Party Express Mark Wiliams is a little blind.

Oh and lets not forget about illegal activity while we are at it, shall we?

AdamsPatriot said...

Mark, "Because if you are, who ever is trying to peddle that picture as being the fr Tea Party Express Mark Wiliams is a little blind".

To Joe's defense, all white people look alike.

Mark, BTW nice, very nice! Burn!

Anonymous said...

Yes, my Caucasian brothers all look alike to me. lol.

It was Dale Roberts, a Tea Party activist and website founder who was eventually asked to leave after organizers noticed his sign was causing a stir.

sorry if i didn't double check myself. Well one down and a couple hundred to go to catch up to chris.

Anonymous said...

Please do show me where you arrive at 4 in 100 at? What webpage does this calculation? I saw in my perusal of the web more than 4 signs comparing Obama to Mao, Stalin and Hitler. I also saw more than 4 different, "Unarmed this time" signs too.

I am sure if a unionist showed up with a N-Bomb sign he'd be asked to leave. Especially since the Wisconsin, Ohio and Michigan protests had a lot more minorities than the Tea Party rallies.

Is there a back story to the Jews for Obama's ovens sign, or the Anti-Christ one? I'd like to know that story.

Unknown said...

Joe, since I am sure you watch the MSM, then you probably didn't know about these things, such as this:

"Emily Ekins, a graduate student at UCLA, conducted the survey at the 9/12 Taxpayer March on Washington last month by scouring the crowd, row by row and hour by hour, and taking a picture of every sign she passed.
Ekins photographed about 250 signs, and more than half of those she saw reflected a "limited government ethos.
One (out of 250) poster with the slogan "Socialism is Legal Theft" and a stick-figure socialist pointing a gun at the head of a taxpayer.
(Here is a kicker to blow away the liberal MSM lies about the Tea Party is racist BS)
Only 5 percent of the total mentioned the president's race or religion, and slightly more than 1 percent questioned his American citizenship."

"Especially since the Wisconsin, Ohio and Michigan protests had a lot more minorities than the Tea Party rallies."
To even look for this in ANY crowd is a form of racism.
Why can't you liberals stop looking at race first, and start looking a caricature first?

AdamsPatriot said...

Joe, you want to see racism by your union brothers SEIU thugs beating up a black man in St. Louis in 2009 and calling him the n word?

Here is the link:

These union criminals were arrested for assault.

Why do you keep pointing the finger at conservatives and ignore your own party for their sins?

You just keep proving the point Mark makes on hypocrisy!

Anonymous said...

I love when Conservative return to a video that does not do what they say it does. This video does not show Two SEIU members beating up Ken Gladney. You know that. It also does not include anyone calling him the N-bomb.

There is no proof of racism in that video. None.
You know that. Stop lying. Really stop lying. I mean stop lying about it.

The video starts
1. African American SEIU member Reverend Elston McCowan who is African American on his back/side in the street.
2. Ken Gladney also African American is on hands and knees next to him on sidewalk.
3. The large Caucasian who would later pull Gladney backwards is a couple feet away smoking a cigarette.

As the scene continues.
1. Reverend Elston McCowan rolls around on pavement
2. Gladney stands up and appears to try to go after McGown
3. Gladney is being pulled back by woman

Then what happens
1. Gladney pushes Caucasian man with sunglasses and ponytail attempting to check on McGowan.
2. That man steps over McGowan and turns aggressively towards Gladney.
3. Large Caucasian SEIU man grabs Gladney and pulls him backwards onto the concrete. He also falls as his legs get mixed up with Gladneys.

Now Reverend Elston McCowan did ask him, "what kind of Negro are you?" but thats not on the video and thats an African American to another African American. Hardly racist.

Did i ever mention how i love frame by frame? I do.

Anonymous said...

It is not racist to acknowledge the diversity of a movement or the lack of diversity within a movement. Especially given the attempts of people here, like Adams and Chris to fraudulently paint unionists and liberals as racists. The Tea Party and its members attempted to do the same when accused a platform and advertising campaign that will showcase diversity in the Tea Party movement.

So are they racist for mentioning how diverse they are by color of their skin? Is Freedom Works, the Dick Armey lead Tea Party group racist for focusing on diversity, instead of character?

Mark, don't be mad, but when i look for what you want all i ever find is conservatives. No one else, well American Idol judges but not a single liberal.

Thats just shameful. Letting Conservatives beat us at that quality. You do win though, you have more of those types.

Mark Adams said...
"and start looking a caricature first?"

Anonymous said...

Mark, by the way. did you perhaps skip something in your quoting of the Washington Post? something looks different that what i read. Wonder what it could be?

Mark Adams said...
Ekins photographed about 250 signs, and more than half of those she saw reflected a "limited government ethos.One (out of 250) poster with the slogan "Socialism is Legal Theft" and a stick-figure socialist pointing a gun at the head of a taxpayer.
(Here is a kicker to blow away the liberal MSM lies about the Tea Party is racist BS)
Only 5 percent of the total mentioned the president's race or religion, and slightly more than 1 percent questioned his American citizenship."

what is missing there? I'll just post the whole paragraph and see.

Washington Post said,
......"Socialism is Legal Theft" and a stick-figure socialist pointing a gun at the head of a taxpayer.

There were uglier messages, too - including "Obama Bin Lyin' - Impeach Now" and "Somewhere in Kenya a Village is Missing its Idiot." But Ekins's analysis showed that only about a quarter of all signs reflected direct anger with Obama. Only 5 percent of the total mentioned the president's race or religion, and slightly more than 1 percent questioned his American citizenship.

wow, you dropped the discussions about uglier signs and how 25 percent were anger with Obama. Actually in a later discussion is 26.9 percent but why quibble.

Anonymous said...

Chekc this picture out and then tell me Mark and Adams if after hours and hours of searching she only came across 250 signs as the article says. Its not mathematical but i don't think there where only 250 signs.

And you forgot to mention she is a Cato institute employee. That makes a difference.

Unknown said...

Joe, I'll make it more clearer for you:
"Obama Bin Lyin' - Impeach Now" and "Somewhere in Kenya a Village is Missing its Idiot." But Ekins's analysis showed that only about a quarter of all signs reflected direct anger with Obama.
(Now pay attention)Only 5 percent of the total mentioned the president's race or religion, and slightly more than 1 percent questioned his American citizenship.

25% show anger at Obama, 75% of them would be nothing about Obama.
Only 5% mention race or religion (that’s hatred, and something the TPP has been accused of)
1% were "Somewhere in Kenya a Village is Missing its Idiot." (aka: slightly more than 1 percent questioned his American citizenship)

Nothing missed, Joe. You are trying to lump uglier with anger signs under one roof.
This shows that the accusations of racism and hatred, at the TPP, are NOT as prominent as the MSM would have YOU believe or what has been told.
AND by all accounts of this discussion, you have NOT been fully informed by the MSM, by virtue that this story has been out there for quite some time and you knew nothing of it.

Unknown said...

"It is not racist to acknowledge the diversity of a movement or the lack of diversity within a movement"
It is ABSOLUTLY racist.
Did you ever consider that (Your quote) "Especially since the Wisconsin, Ohio and Michigan protests had a lot more minorities than the Tea Party rallies." That THAT could be a CHOICE by minorities?
Did the MSM ever think this could be a choice by "Minorities" to attend a union rally vs. and TPP rally?
Answer NO, they DIDN’T!

The MSM goes right off the "assumption" that they are not welcomed at TPP rallies. AND THAT painted the picture of racism and hatred.

Did they have a lot more "minorities in Wisconsin, Ohio and Michigan" or did they JUST have "people".
You make an observation, based on race, white or black is, at best, racial.

On Obama inauguration day, MSM papers throughout the country said this in the headlines. "Our first Black President" or "Our first African American President"
Know what I was saying? " Another President, Another politician, Another man."

" The Tea Party and its members attempted to do the same when accused a platform and advertising campaign that will showcase diversity in the Tea Party movement."
You responded to my comment that I felt you were being a racist by observing "diversity" and by doing so, I am sure you didn't like it, did you?
Well guess what, neither does the TPP for unwarranted attacks of being a racist movement, led on the MSM.
It's a flat out LIE. You know it is, but don't have the stones to admit it.

Unknown said...

"And you forgot to mention she is a Cato institute employee. That makes a difference."
Joe you're reaching, doesn't say she did it for Cato... "The survey was for her UCLA graduate studies."

AdamsPatriot said...

Joe, next time you want to try and sell me something don't do it with a 'union authorized desciption' of the event, have the courage and the ability to do your own research.

The video, eye witness accounts, arrests and court prosecution says your racist brothers in thuggery beatup a concervative black man. (liberals usually refer to black conservatives as uncle toms, another liberal racial implication)

Your portrayal of the union thugs as innocent angels just happen to get their legs entangled with a black man who they didn't know was a conservative (I interpreted your message) just goes to show what type of blinders your wearing.

If this video was a white conservative on a black liberal you would be screaming racism.But we do know that that senario wouldn't happen because a white conservative knows full well that liberal union thugs would come at the conservative 50 to one with unleased violence, that's just how brave liberals are.

There are numerous eye wintess accounts of union bullying at that event. The only purpose of the union thugs at that event were to intimidate and when the conservatives wouldn't be intimidated the union thugs used violence.

Stop your liberal lying, just stop it, I really mean it now, just stop your lying! (I was just playing off your blathering, it's OK, you can keep on lying because I really enjoy exposing liberal lies)!

Anonymous said...

Typical rightie, get caught lying so you fling poop at the wall. 90 percent of your last post is insinuations and POS name calling assumptions.

The tactics of a loser. If the video had showed what you claimed you wouldn't have gone off point. Here's some advice, link to the police report and drop the racist accusations. Two African Americans getting in an altercation and and another union member joining in later of a different race doesn't make it racist.

Anonymous said...

I have a question to ask. Why is it when you guys here have an issue with the actions or words of predominantly African Americans you use the term "liberals" as a code?

AdamsPatriot said...(liberals usually refer to black conservatives as uncle toms, another liberal racial implication)

Perhaps you don't know this, but its not a common phrase amongst liberals. I've heard it before, but to be completely honest it wasn't about politics. Mostly just personal stuff between African Americans.

AdamsPatriot said...

Joe, if you want to start throwing around the loser bomb, you are on the losing end. The true tactics of a loser is one that can't get anyone to read or comment or follow their posts on their own blog, go to other opposing blogs and rant and rant as though anyone really cares what you have to say, throw around vulgarity as if that makes a point other than showing a lack of verbal skills, and then throw around liberal 'common phrase' code insults as though they have any bearing on the truth whatsoever.

Joe, The real truth is, that you are so deeped in the world of liberalism that you can't see or comprehend the hate, violence, and racial actions of your union brothers or your own party to the point that the foundation of your arguments are too insignificant support your conclusions.

While you, Mark, Chris and I can agree on one thing, it is that we will not argee with you and you with us. Therefore, the only real purpose of your posts on conservative blogs is to boost your ego, if only within your mind, for which you must have a desperate need to do.

Not to extend this issue any further, while I understand the traditional definition of racism, all these racial insinuation both true or untrue happening between the political parties, or between the same race (black on black, white on white), or between blacks and whites is, in fact, about race.

The left, in defending the incompetentence and political ideology of Obama and the Democrat party, makes up lies about Americans and America, sides with less than half the country on many issues and trys to intimidate everyone in America (and I do mean everyone both left and right) by throwing out opposition to race as the factor behind their opposition to Obama and the actions of the Democrats.

We are all Americans and should have a common goal for the prosperity and betterment of all Americans. While I despise the racial actions of many Americans in the dark days of civil and racial discourse, what the left has 'done to this country racially' has taken us back to those dark days without cause or reality.

This was purely done for selfish political ambitions to maintain power while totally incompetent to handle power. The view on the incompetence is not just my opinion is the majority of voter in America, as we saw with the sea of RED on November 2, 2010.

When faced with reality, the incompetence of Obama and some Democrats was to push forward with the ideology at the detriment of America.

With all the damage the left has done to this country and your un-yielding support for the left only makes your stance inconsequential and renders your words impotent.

Anonymous said...

Your taking the "loser" comment as a personal attack. I did not mean it as an attack on your character, only the debate tactics. I apologize if it came off otherwise. And i am the first to admit that i can wrongly go off at times. I have apologized here and and on Chris's blog for some of them.

As for my ego, thats not the case. I enjoy the debate. I'm not interested in getting people to my blog. I don't really try to write a blog. It takes too much time to do the research and to figure out how i want to present it and all. I've spent days on a couple of the blogs and it just takes too much time.

There are so many subjects i'd like to discuss and write about, but i can't devote the time to research them correctly. One is the effect of lead pollution on IQ and criminal behavior. I've found several studies that suggest it has an effect and would like to compare decreases/increases in crime in multiple areas with records of lead and heavy metal pollutants in soil samples, especially Detroit.

We will always disagree about the Rights claims that the left subjugates African Americans to the agenda of Democrats especially white ones through entitlements. To me that is solely a defensive posture against the Left who feel that the right uses racial division to enlarge its white base. I could go into as many points about conservative politics using race for its ends and you could. Would it make either of us right? Perhaps we would both be correct or neither.

Your entitled to believe entitlements are racist in origin and use and i am entitled to believe attacks on them is racist in origin and use. But i don't believe that you are a racist. I believe that you have a desire to see all Americans happy and enjoying life as much as humanly possible. I have only the same desire.

Anonymous said...

Adams, I wonder if you looked at these articles if perhaps you might get a better picture of what i feel about right wing policies and race. Both articles are written by African American women and discuss the impact on Republican decisions on their race.

Mom Awaiting Apology From Pro-Life Group

Gutting Unions Hurts the Black Middle Class,0&wpsrc=OB00000001&wpisrc=obnetwork