Have to do with this Communications union Worker guy?
Is this what the unions are all about? Is this how they settle debate?
Tabitha Hale, who works for FreedomWorks, met up with that big, tough union thug, who, along with his union, were protesting at the unions Grievance March near FreedomWork operations.
And this guy didn't like what was happening when they approached him with questions about their march.
So what does this guy do.
He gets physical.
OH WOW, he's a tough guy now........
Maybe next time this happen, Tabitha should be wearing one of these.
That guy must be an angry unionist!
AKA: hateful, violent, irrational, illogical, lawless, womanizer, thug...one crazy MFer!
Well, at least he isn't a racist...or isn't he? time will tell!
Mark did he punch her or did he smack the camera away? All i see is him hitting the camera. I'd never hit a lady, but smack her hand out my face sure.
Like i said on Chris's blog, there was a time when you knew right from wrong and personal space was respected. Seen many a conservative tell someone to, "get the fuck out my face" and smack hands away. It was understood that you jam something in another mans face expect to get it smacked away.
By the same token, Who's the pussy with her? Great job of looking out for her Mangina boy. When did a conservative males get to be such little girls? When i was growing up working class conservatives stood for something. You could respect them, they had some honor.
Right or wrong no one touches your partner without you going. Just the way it is. Unless your buddy is drunk and been trying to pick a fight for most of the night, then you let him learn a lesson. But thats not what happened here.
Then again i wouldn't have let her get up in the mans face. So Mangina boy is twice the dipshit. First he doesn't get her to back away and then he doesn't protect her. Loser.
You know i guess that makes me a violent person, despite the fact that i haven't been in a fight 17 years. Oh, and i'm a racist too I've been told. Not by anyone who knows me but by the people online who have never met me.
Joe once again you're on the wrong side. Anyone that hits a women is sick. But you don't seem to think so. Mark I have a video that you need to update this post. It shows liberals and union thugs getting in the faces of conservatives. We have been dealing with these liberal bullies getting in our face for years now and no one has hit back. A whack,smack,hit or punch is assault. Is it a liberal thing or a union thing hitting women? I think they both hit women and don't seem to care if a man hits a women as long as she's a conservative. Have you seen all the racism videos yet? Mark, you need to put those up as well so we get the whole violent picture. It turns out blacks and Jews are treated as badly as women as long as they are conservative. The videos keep coming in and we need to post them all. www.freedomworks.com or www.youtube.com for more videos of racism and violent rhetoric coming from the left. Have any of you heard the one Democratic Party leader telling the protesters that it's "time for things to get a little bloody"? Joe you called me a racist for over two years, so satop winning like a little baby! Steve was right about you liberals. You're pussies.
Joe says:
"You know i guess that makes me a violent person, despite the fact that i haven't been in a fight 17 years. Oh, and i'm a racist too I've been told. Not by anyone who knows me but by the people online who have never met me".
But what I said prior to Joe's comment:
"That guy must be an angry unionist!
AKA: hateful, violent, irrational, illogical, lawless, womanizer, thug...one crazy MFer!
Well, at least he isn't a racist...or isn't he? time will tell"!
Joe, unless that is you in the video then it's 'That guy'!
Why do you take everything so personal and turn comments back at you?
Is it because you seek to CREATE controversy?
Are all unionists so utterly consumed with 'the brotherhood' that you have lost all sense of individuality, even in a conversation outside of a picket line?
Everytime a topic is posted on this blog, you come on here and make it all about you. You need to get over yourself.
BTW, Chris is right, about everything!
You're right A-P, Joe is self centered. I wonder how Joe is going to spin the unionist protester threatening to rape a PBS cameraMAN and then calling that cameraMAN a "faggot". These people are coming unhinged and more violence is coming. Keep watching for more videos on the web.
Adams, i just referring back to my previous post not Mark's blog or yours. It was anticipation of what i would hear for being old school about getting in my face.
Chris, i am a pussy? Your whining sniveling little punk ass has been clinging to the most pussified definition of assault none to man. Smacking hands and camera is assault. What a pussywhipped little pc bitch you act like. Put that shit in my face it gets put back. Simple enough.
and you so how her partner rushed to protect her. Mangina boy must have left his balls at hiome.
"Mark did he punch her or did he smack the camera away? All i see is him hitting the camera. I'd never hit a lady, but smack her hand out my face sure."
Over blown statement on your part, Joe.
I don't give a flying F*&% if he has a cell phone pointed at him or a feather.
He got "physical" with someone half his size, and a woman at best.
The guys an F'en pussy and needs his clocked cleaned if this is how he reacts toward a woman.
" Who's the pussy with her? Great job of looking out for her Mangina boy."
Pussy? LMAO!!! And this union POS gets "physical" with a woman, when there is a man standing right there.
He could have easily punch at him, but he chose the easy why.
Talk about Pussy!!!
Mark Adams said...And this union POS gets "physical" with a woman, when there is a man standing right there. He could have easily punch at him, but he chose the easy why. Talk about Pussy!!!"
So why didn't Mangina boy her partner step up and throw? I already told ya i would have. You don't touch my partner without getting blasted.
Joe you are a pussy. Just look at you unhinged pussy responce. You can't get any more pussy then that. Other then you saying you would hit a girl if she filmed you in public. You must be a bitch at home when your pissed. Scary. You need anger managment Joe. I never thought you would act like those other union thugs. Now Joe go stick you pussy nose back up the unions ass. LOL Joe the reason why that conservative didn't kick his ass is becasue it's illegal and wrong to boot. Only a pussy would talk like a tough guy on the internet. LMFAO
"So why didn't Mangina boy her partner step up and throw?"
Ever hear the saying 'two wrongs don't make it right'?
If he had the liberal MSM would have been all over that shit. So the guy was smart. Unlike the ass clown union punk.
He's a pussy!
Joe, you're post has been removed.
Read the rules right above the comment window.
Now I have dropped a few F bombs the last few weeks and am guilt for it and I will work on keeping that out of my comments.
HOWEVER when you start posting this: "Ann Coulter might want to suck your d**k and let you play with her 6 inch c**t."
it WON'T be tolerated in any shape or form, and further steps will be taken if it happens again!
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