Saturday, January 15, 2011

Lefty Threaten AZ Tea Party Leader

As reported on Gateway Pundit

While Trent was speaking at the event, an audience member screamed, “Trent Humphries, you’re dead!”

ABC News held a town hall event today in Tucson, Arizona. Local officials, friends and heroes were at the event. News anchor Christiane Amanpour was the host. The segment will air tomorrow. ABC gathered members from the Tucson community to discuss the tragic shooting last Saturday that wounded Rep. Gabrielle Giffords and left 6 people dead.
State Representative Terri Proud was at the event sitting between Trent and the violent audience member. Terri was there to speak about the local gun laws. She described the scene to me just minutes ago:
Trent Humphries, the Pima County tea party leader, stood up to speak during the event. He was being very respectful. Trent told the audience that before we start placing blame on individuals we need to get all the facts. Trent then told everyone that one of those killed during the shooting was his neighbor and that he was affected like everyone else by the tragedy… While Trent was speaking- And it was planned that he would speak- One member in the audience and reportedly one of the victims of the tragedy started screaming, “Trent Humphries you’re dead!” The police immediately escorted him out. On his way out he screamed, “You’re all whores.”
The ABC producer said he was not sure if they will show incident tomorrow, or not.
Trent was finished with his statement and sat down. Terri said she was concerned since she was sitting right between Trent and this violent leftist. Trent sat down and ABC continued with the taping. Two police officers jumped in immediately to remove the violent leftist.
Trent Humphries has been receiving death threats all week since the national media and their leftist cohorts began blaming the tea party for the shooting by the leftwing pothead. Currently, government officials are checking his mail for him due to the threats.
Please keep Trent and his young family and all the Tucson tea party members in your thoughts and prayers.
UPDATE….. The unhinged leftist J. Eric Fuller was charged with threats and intimidation and he also will be charged with disorderly conduct.

This is the same guy that Mr Bruce Fealk commented on over at Bonsai From the Right yesterday to somehow justify his argument that the conservative right somehow was responsible for the Giffords shooting one week ago.
Looks like this guy and the rest of the Progressive nuts (including Mr Fealk) just can't except that there is no puzzle for which to connect the conservative right to Jared Loughner.
Another witness has come forward of what took place at this town hall event.