A Reminder-The List Of Presidential Firsts Under Obama!
If you can't remember them all... BOOKMARK this.

• First President to Preside Over a Cut to the Credit Rating of the United States Government
• First President to Violate the War Powers Act
• First President to Orchestrate the Sale of Murder Weapons to Mexican Drug Cartels
• First President to issue an unlawful "recess-appointment" while the U.S. Senate remained in session (against the advice of his own Justice Department).
• First President to be Held in Contempt of Court for Illegally Obstructing Oil Drilling in the Gulf of Mexico
• First President to Defy a Federal Judge's Court Order to Cease Implementing the 'Health Care Reform' Law
• First President to halt deportations of illegal aliens and grant them work permits, a form of stealth amnesty roughly equivalent to "The DREAM Act", which could not pass Congress
• First President to Require All Americans to Purchase a Product From a Third Party
• First President to Spend a Trillion Dollars on 'Shovel-Ready' Jobs -- and Later Admit There Was No Such Thing as Shovel-Ready Jobs
• First President to sue states for requiring valid IDs to vote, even though the same administration requires valid IDs to travel by air
• First President to Abrogate Bankruptcy Law to Turn Over Control of Companies to His Union Supporters
• First President to sign into law a bill that permits the government to "hold anyone suspected of being associated with terrorism indefinitely, without any form of due process. No indictment. No judge or jury. No evidence. No trial. Just an indefinite jail sentence."
• First President to Bypass Congress and Implement the DREAM Act Through Executive Fiat
• First President to Threaten Insurance Companies After They Publicly Spoke out on How Obamacare Helped Cause their Rate Increases
• First President to Threaten an Auto Company (Ford) After It Publicly Mocked Bailouts of GM and Chrysler
• First President to "Order a Secret Amnesty Program that Stopped the Deportations of Illegal Immigrants Across the U.S., Including Those With Criminal Convictions"
• First President to Demand a Company Hand Over $20 Billion to One of His Political Appointees
• First President to Terminate America's Ability to Put a Man into Space.
• First President to Encourage Racial Discrimination and Intimidation at Polling Places
• First President to Have a Law Signed By an 'Auto-pen' Without Being "Present"
• First President to Arbitrarily Declare an Existing Law Unconstitutional and Refuse to Enforce It
• First President to Tell a Major Manufacturing Company In Which State They Are Allowed to Locate a Factory
• First President to refuse to comply with a House Oversight Committee subpoena.
• First President to File Lawsuits Against the States He Swore an Oath to Protect (AZ, WI, OH, IN, etc.)
• First President to Withdraw an Existing Coal Permit That Had Been Properly Issued Years Ago
• First President to Fire an Inspector General of Americorps for Catching One of His Friends in a Corruption Case
• First President to Propose an Executive Order Demanding Companies Disclose Their Political Contributions to Bid on Government Contracts
• First President to allow Mexican police to conduct law enforcement activities on American soil
• First President to Golf 90 or More Times in His First Three Years in Office
But remember: he will not rest until all Americans have jobs, affordable homes, green-energy vehicles, and the environment is repaired, etc., etc., etc.
It just goes to show as illegal aliens flee Alabama, the unemployment rate is dropping for American labor--as according to several reports? Enforcement policing protocols are having the desired effect, which proves that state immigration laws do work if practiced, condemned and not neglected. My guess is that although I have not heard of any similar hiring statistics in Arizona, Georgia, South Carolina and even Utah, but it wouldn’t surprise me if this news hasn’t been suppressed by the newspapers and the central government. It will be very interesting to learn if promises are kept by the 4 remaining presidential personages. Even Gingrich’s agenda to give the long time illegal aliens some form of pardon, without citizenship. Even if Newt Gingrich triumphs in the election as a new Commander in Chief, his idea of an invader Amnesty still must get the vote to pass it in a TEA PARTY majority House? Whereas, I hate to think of a returning President Obama will have in-store for the United States? Whatever his idea of enforcing immigration laws are, it will just attract even more impoverished and criminals to arrive via our almost unprotected border or by international jet.
Who can we really trust to build the true parallel fences across the width of our nation? The establishment GOP capitalist will always demand cut price labor, with the Democrats hoping that by turning a blind eye, illegal aliens will vote in all elections—leading up to the grand finale in 2012? Most farmers are not innocent in procuring cheap labor, knowing that the taxpayers will be the payee for the health care and the children’s education of unlawful workers. Politicians ignore the huge billion dollar costs for illegal family settlement, that these are court appointed unfunded mandates which has been a fiscal anchor around the necks of the U.S. populace. Does Gingrich, Romney, Santorum or even Paul recognize the financial impact on all 50 states? Welfare benefits have slowed to American citizens, especially in Sanctuary States as California, Nevada and others, because of the financial support to people who have contempt for our laws.
To restrain President Obama and his Liberal progressive Czars as Eric Holder, the only avenue is to elect strict TEA PARTY Constitutionalists in oncoming federal and state elections. There are two points to remember that entering the United States has been intentionally classed by Congress as a civil matter? That it is not classified as a Felony; as it should be? Although being hired for a job or using a stolen ID or another person’s Social Security card can be prosecuted as a felony, as they have committed two crimes. The Tea Party will rescind any covert amnesties, sanctuary city ordinances, chain migration, dream act. The Tea Party are determined to build the 2006 Secure Fences (ACT) and additionally overhaul federal spending. Become acquainted NumbersUSA and learn about the billions of dollars taken from taxpayers in unfunded mandates by pandering to illegal aliens.
This is labeled as a “Backdoor Amnesty.” Washington must enact ‘The Legal Workforce Act ‘Known more commonly as Mandated E-Verify. Plus “The Birthright Citizenship Act” to stop the inducement of bringing unborn infants into the country, that provides free welfare, education and health care. WE THE PEOPLE’S Constitution is under siege by the resident government and must be stopped, when they are allowing illegal aliens back on the streets. BE WARNED THAT NON-CITIZENS HAVE BEEN VOTING AND CERTAINLY WILL AGAIN IN FUTURE ELECTIONS. Every voter should possess official picture ID to vote?
Just come to light and been revealed in the highest levels of government. The Judicial Watch, the legal watchdog group has uncovered massive registration fraud with improprieties involving ACORN and in addition the Department of Justice. Read about the mind bending revelation of this organization that once employed Barack Obama. Judicial Watch is digging out the corruption in Washington DC, of implications to voter fraud; cementing the votes for our resident president by illegal means in our compromised election system. Go to http://www.rightsidenews.com for all the information.
The TEA PARTY does not alienate any race or nationality as the Liberal media would like you to think. It just requests the 1986 Immigration law (IRCA) enforced and not altered to pander to illegal migrants and immigrants.
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