On this day, the holy day of Christs resurrection to his holy father, you would think an American company would honor our lord and savior, who died upon the cross for our sins.
Not Google.
Google uses its famous “Doodle”
search logo art to mark the birth of left-wing labor leader Cesar Chavez...
Google Honors a Socialist Dictator on Easter instead Of Jesus Christ! Chavez was charged with 'crimes against humanity' for alleged support of murderous Colombian guerrillas and died of cancer. While Jesus Christ was charged with opposing payment of taxes to Caesar and claims to be Christ, a king. From that, Jesus Christ was Crucified on a cross and died for your sins. Today, Google honors evil, rather than the sacrifice and resurrection of Christ.
As it goes, so does another Hollywood liberal junky who
feels the need to exploit the Sandy Hook victims with an attack on even Jim
Carrey’s 2nd amendment rights.
Mr Pet Detective himself made a mockery of liberty loving Americans with this video below.
OK Jimbo, lets see if you can match this statement from Capt. Timothy Burbank. (And my bet, you couldn't touch it with a 10 foot pole.)
Carrey, first I would like to say I truly have enjoyed your movies
throughout my life. Thus the reason me taking exception to a post of
yours I read is somewhat uncomfortable. Nevertheless the truth must
shine brightly.
recently saw a tweet where you have taken a stand against Americans
Second Amendment rights. You should seriously consider this one simple
fact, if it wasn't for our Second Amendment there would be no Hollywood
or way of life as we know it today.
child's death is ever justified! But true leaders understand there are
two sides to every disagreement. Which is the reason why I believe
that if it wasn't for our Second Amendment rights we would be living in a
much different society.
by considering our War of Independence from Britain. As a National
Guardsman I can attest to the fact that our armed militia is what saved
this nation from tyranny. A God inspired gift to our founding fathers
and every American who has been blessed to live in this nation since its
forging in the baths of its citizens blood.
consider our Civil War, though Lincoln's life was taken by an evil man
wielding a weapon. I'm convinced he would be the first to say our
Second Amendment is what saved God fearing Americans from the tyranny of
slavery. Without our Second Amendment, abolition would never have been
realized in America.
the beginning of time people have wielded weapons of one sort or
another. Evil will be the first to employ a weapon aggressively. It's
up to good men to stand firmly against evil men. If you take weapons
away from good men then evil will run amuck.
at the world, megalomaniacs grasp for power everywhere with force
except for in America. In America they have to use lies and
manipulations to control the populace. They also use famous people to
try and attain their agenda when their feeble attempts to mold the minds
of the people fail.
yourself why they use lies and manipulations in America? I submit for
your consideration an attributed quote from a famous Japanese Admiral
"because there is a gun behind every blade of grass". The credible
threat of just force is what keeps evil at bay.
a quote with a slight play on words from one comparably intelligent
Hollywood character, by Hollywood standards, "Evil is as evil does".
Truth is pure and poignant, cutting to the bone. Evil wants to destroy
and enslave freedom and truth around every corner. It has to maintain
control, light frightens darkness because where light exists darkness
cannot. Darkness is inversely proportional to light, the more light the
less darkness...
individuals we either choose to stand against evil (darkness) or
blindly support and submit to it. Most do this in the hope to maintain
their personal freedom and comforts. When one light chooses to hide
their brilliance in the midst of darkness they only add to the darkness.
Ultimately their cowardly attempt to selfishly save their personal
creature comforts will backfire and they will lose their freedoms along
with everyone else enslaved to the evil that ensues.
is never comfortable, it's always cold and filled with despair.
Eventually evil (darkness) will assimilate any good (light) into its
ranks when it's isolated and fearful to shine bright. Fear of allowing
your light to shine will only propagate more fear which lends to
sheltering ones light further. The only answer is to allow ones light
to shine brightly for all to see. Darkness has no power against light
when light is allowed to illuminate. Darkness recedes from wince it
are not evil, they are tools wielded by evil men and good men alike.
By using the ruse of "taking weapons away because weapons are evil" we
are embracing a fallacy. We are simply taking the weapons away from the
law abiding (good men) and leaving the world defenseless against evil
emboldens evil to spread its tyranny around the world. America is
currently strong because of our Second Amendment rights. As a case in
point, look at the Middle East and see what weakness has done for it.
Chaos, chaos, chaos...
is the ideological state of honestly believing you can reason with the
unreasonable. A condition inevitably destined to realize failure...
The Middle East is a living testimony to what ideological weakness will
result in... The best/worse is yet to come.
Isoroku Yamamoto was a Fleet Admiral and Commander-in-Chief of the Imperial Japanese Navy (IJN) during World War II.
One quote and one attributed quote from Admiral Yamamoto.
the first six to twelve months of a war with the United States and
Great Britain I will run wild and win victory upon victory. But then, if
the war continues after that, I have no expectation of success."
"You cannot invade the mainland United States. There would be a rifle behind every blade of grass."
yourself why Yamamoto knew he wasn't going to fair well with time. Is
it possibly because after the initial destruction of Americas defensive
weapons at Pearl Harbor he knew Americas industrial might would catch up
to him through the production of new defensive weapons? Our country
was safe from invasion solely because of our Second Amendment.
luck in your endeavors to either hide your light or be complicit in
blocking others light. Personally I would take a stand for good men and
dispose of your attempt to demonize weapons. Weapons have no soul,
thus they cannot be evil. Men have souls, thus it is the man that is
either evil or good...
Now that the Senate Judiciary Committee feels that Senator Feinstein attack on our second amendment is justifiable and voted 10-8 to send it to the Senate floor, we have a showdown on our god given, constitutionally protected right to keep and bear arms.
Her comments made to Senator Cruz from Taxas, here, is startling line of thought and it is clearly misguided understanding of OUR right to keep and bear.
Now I took a few notes and feel compelled to respond:
-“Sandy Hook victims were
How would she know this? Information on that has never been
-“Weapons of war”
These are not weapons of war. No solder would be
very confident to take semi-automatics in to the theater of war.
-“It’s fine that you want to lecture me on the constitution”
No, the constitution is lecturing you.
-“I have been here a long time”
The constitution has been here, as
has our country, for far longer than her service.
-“It doesn't Prohibited, it exempts” Prohibits= Forbid
(something) by law, rule, or other authority.
Exempts= Others that are excused from. Meaning us and that you don’t have the
right, but others do. That’s NOT how it works under the 2nd
And I guess these Senators feel that Child pornography shouldn’t
be banned in Texas public schools?
-“Congress is in the business of making law”
-Congress is in the business to be protecting our liberties, representing
We the People and providing the common defense. WELL, they are suppose to, anyways....
-“The Supreme Court interprets the law. If they strike down the
law, they strike down the law”
They’ve struck down similar laws in the recent past. What these
gun grabbing liberals know is, it will take 2-3 years to get the law (if it becomes law) struck down.
By that time, people have been without their rights to “Keep and Bear” for the time period.
Dick Durbin says “None of
our rights are absolute. None of them.”
WHOA!! Carefull DICK! Your Marxism is showing, Fucker!!!
A well Regulated Militia, being necessary
to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms
shall not be infringed” Sure sounds like
they ARE 'absolutely' free from limitations, restrictions, or
THIS is the socialist left in America. You can easily
see how they stick right with their dogma of their ideology.
In a letter to Obama on Monday, eight House Democrats, led by Rep. Barbara Lee of California,
hammers the administration for its “increasing devolution of
accountability, transparency, and Constitutional protections in U.S.
counterterrorism operations.”
Signing the note were some of the House’s most progressive members: Reps. John Conyers (MI), Donna Edwards (MD), Keith Ellison (MN), Raul Grijalva (AZ), Rush Holt (NJ), Mike Honda (CA), and James McGovern (MA).
I can't believe that I am saying this, but thank god for these Democrats having the courage to prove that
concerns over the administration’s secretive drone strikes is not just a
huge issue among civil libertarian Republicans like Paul.
The Democrats’ letter spells out concerns over five particular aspects of the drone program:
“An unbounded geographic scope; unidentified ‘high-level’ officials with
authority to approve kill-lists; a vaguely defined definition of
whether a capture is “feasible”; an overly broad definition of the
phrase “imminent threat,” which re-defines the word in a way that strays
significantly from its traditional and legal meaning; and the
suggestion that killing American citizens and others would be legitimate
“under the Authorization for Use of Military Force and the inherent
right to self-defense.”
They go on to say that its a “dangerous precedent” with its recent behavior, and demanded that Obama
“in an unclassified form, the full legal basis of executive
branch claims in the areas which are the subject of this letter. The
Executive’s claims of authority need to be fully articulated to the
whole Congress and the American people.”
Well thats a breath of fresh air, if I do HAVE to say so myself .
PS: Are you listening, Lindsay Gramm and John McCain?
Thanks to CNS News, we now know the truth of Obama's opinion on our 2nd amendment rights.
In his new book, At the Brink, economist and author John R. Lott Jr.,
assesses the presidency of Barack Obama and recalls conversations
regarding gun laws they had while working at the University of Chicago. In Chapter Three, Mr. Lott discusses gun-control and takes the reader
back to his time at the University of Chicago, where he and
then-professor Barack Obama spoke on numerous occasions about guns in
"I don't believe people should be able to own guns," Obama told Lott one day at the University of Chicago Law School.
The chapter documents the actions that Obama has taken on guns, citing the following:
In 1996, Obama supported a ban on handguns
In 1998, he supported a ban on the sale of all semi-automatic guns
In 2004, he advocated banning gun sales within five miles of a school or park, which would have shut down nearly all gun stores
President Barack Obama describes his views on guns much differently now
that he is on the national stage, Lott believes, pointing to an
interview on Fox News in which Obama states, "I have said consistently
that I believe that the Second Amendment is an individual right." h/t weasel zipper:
Yes, now that he is in the national spot light, of course he is going to change his tune. But with today's MSM, he could still speak those words, and it wouldn't get any coverage.